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Remember Who You Truly Are and Why You’re Here

Do you remember who you truly are?

It will come as no surprise to you when I say that “You are here for a reason” and that many people are feeling a calling now, at this time, more strongly than they ever have before.

Is there a stirring inside of you too?

It’s undeniable, isn’t it?

Despite your logical mind trying to override it, it’s something that simply won’t go away. Am I right?

If so, then let me talk directly to you for a moment… because I know that your soul has been waiting for this time.

They call this The Great Awakening, but it’s more than that… it’s actually The Great Remembering.

~~~ Remember Who You Are ~~~

has more meaning than you know, and part of my mission here is to help you to remember.

Now I know that all of these words have been used before. (We are actually very limited in our vocabulary here aren’t we?). We see words and symbols being reversed and inverted all the time. They are corrupted and used against us. People use words in all kinds of unethical ways and very often there is no substance behind their words — it’s lies, empty promises, and manipulation.

Words are used to excite people and to pull them in and words are even used as spells by some — so I don’t blame you if you feel wary of my words in just the same way.

I can’t control that, I have no desire to. What I know and trust is that if you are meant to be touched and activated by my words, that it’s my spirit and the energy within my words that is really connecting with you.

I trust that if we are meant to connect then we will and I also know that if we do, then it is because we agreed to meet at just the right time and in the right way so that I could help you to remember your truth.

I know that I am opening myself up to judgement and criticism by some people with what I will say here. But it can’t not be said…. This is a Clarion Call to only the RIGHT people.

Because you and I know each other… We made an agreement eons of time ago that we would work together to override the negative timelines installed on this planet in order to anchor the New Earth.

As part of our mission agreement, you were to be reminded of our past history — how we came to be here “stuck” on what we call a prison planet…

And through that remembering, you would be activated and the spiritual coding within your DNA would begin to become alive again. It would be resurrected from its dormancy.

And through this resurrection, you would be lifted back into the light once again.

This is the Resurrection of the Christ Consciousness that is within you and the reactivation of your 12 strand DNA, the original human divine blueprint.

You have lived through eons of dark ages. Your light has been diminished, but it’s time now to become enlightened once again.

As you rebuild and reactivate your DNA you will begin to awaken your cellular memory and naturally expand your consciousness to multidimensional levels. You will organically begin to remember who you are and the important role that you are here to play.

You may have had glimpses of memory and now is the time to put the missing pieces in place and pull it all together.

I’m not talking about ancestral memory from a few generations back… I’m talking about our angelic and galactic race memory… our lineage from even before the Fall of Atlantis. That’s why we’re here. To reclaim and rebuild.

I have been guided to create the New Earth Ascension Temple — a space to hold these sacred teachings specifically to help you to remember your true divine heritage. Not your 3D heritage but your multidimensional heritage.

Within the New Earth Ascension Temple, we will be deconditioning and deprogramming you from the limited parameters of this 3D matrix.

We will help you to step away from 5D false ascension timelines and unhook from Twilight Master programmes so that you can reclaim your own inner knowing and alignment and you will begin to remember and realign quite naturally to the real reason that you are here now and why THIS TIME is more important than at any other time in the last 26,500 years.

If you are one of my people, then you are part of the ground crew who came here to override the destructive timeline narratives by activating your own divine human template.

This in turn affects the earth grids and creates a bridge out of this time matrix that will allow all of us, including the trapped and fragmented Angelic Human souls (from various ancient cataclysms) to be released and able to ascend to the 5D portion of earth, known as Tara, and then eventually beyond that to their point of origin.

It’s a huge task as you can see, and it’s one that we have been working towards for the whole of this current Ascension Cycle.

I hope that you are feeling the stirring in your heart that lets you know that YOU are a part of this Divine Angelic Human Reclamation Mission.

Please trust your inner knowing and try not to let your 3D captive mind talk you out of what you really know to be your truth.

The doors to the New Earth Ascension Temple are now open. I am offering it as a monthly membership with an introductory founding members price to the first 20 people to join.

If you’d like more details about what’s included in the New Earth Ascension Temple, please DM me to reserve your spot.

Let’s keep in touch!

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