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Trust Your Inner Guidance: Your Body Knows the Truth

I was talking with one of the members inside my Ascension Temple membership this morning… and we were talking about the dark spells and subliminal programming that is inserted into movies.

We both agreed that we can “feel” when there is something slightly off in a movie and we can’t watch them.

Not just the scary or horror movies…. But any of the movies that contain a negative agenda.

Are you the same?

Can you feel when a movie is trying to manipulate you to think in a certain way? Or believe a certain thing?

It seems that this is just life these days….   

There is always an “agenda” trying to get you on board to go against other people who don’t think the same way as you…. or to put you in fear of something so that you will make certain choices, that are not really your own choices, but that you are coerced into.

Whether it is movies, or life situations… our bodies are designed to let us know when something is “off”.  

It’s a primal thing… a survival mechanism… we all have it.  But over time people have ignored it to the point that they can hardly feel or sense it anymore.

At whatever level of sensing and listening you are with this, I’d like to encourage you to switch it back on.  


It is your body’s inner knowing, and when you follow its signs, it will keep you safe.

THIS is part of being inner directed – it’s your body’s inner knowing.

People always want the “spiritual inner direction” and often ignore the physical part of this.  

However if your physical vessel is not safe, you will not be able to access your inner divine because you will be in a constant state of fight and flight and when you’re in that state, your spiritual connection is not as clear.

When your body is not safe and it’s trying to tell you, your heart rate will increase… you might feel a kind of whizzing or whirring feeling inside…. Maybe you’ll feel sick or just really unsettled and anxious… 

Your whole body will be trying to give you signs that something is not good here!

You need to pay attention and act on that. 

At least take a moment to feel into WHY you’re feeling this way because THAT right there, is your INNER GUIDANCE my friend and it’s telling you that something doesn’t feel good… 

Maybe you’re being pushed out of your comfort zone to grow and change…

Or MAYBE it’s a major warning sign – time to leave, get out of there or simply switch off the movie or stop watching what you’re watching.

Inner guidance isn’t all about which book to read, which course to do, what food to eat, what therapy to choose….

No, it’s about the bigger things too…. The more important things… like being able to stay alive and to live your life freely … and it’s about being able to align powerfully to what is truth and what is not.

In this changing world, where so much is fake and manipulated… this “skill” will prove to be more and more important to you than ever before.

I encourage you, to learn to listen, feel and sense what your body is telling you, because it knows.

If you’re not sure what’s what right now and you need a hand to work it out, then grab a guidance session with me and I’ll help you to understand what you’re body’s telling you.…/SoulGuidanceandHealing…

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