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The Power of Pure Essential Oils to Raise Your Frequency and Transform Your Life

Everything has a frequency… and we know from the work of people like David Hawkins that when the human body is vibrating at a low frequency it is more prone to illness and disease… and that when the body is vibrating at a higher frequency it experiences health and states of joy and happiness.

That information on its own would make you want to raise your frequency if you could, don’t you think?

The frequency of our body is affected by many things — our surroundings, the foods we eat and drink, what we put on to and in to our body as well as our thoughts, feelings and beliefs.

As an energy healer, I’m all about clearing out old heavy energy patterns from the body and energy field and bringing in higher frequencies to create a shift of consciousness, healing and balance.

So as I’ve delved deeper into understanding essential oils and how they work, I’m really excited to discover the potential for optimum health that exists within each bottle.

It’s pure magic.

What attracts me most to these particular oils that I’m using is their quality… and their purity.

As we know EVERYTHING has a frequency… but not all essential oils are created equal and therefore one bottle of lavender (for example), does not necessarily carry the same frequency as another from a different brand.

I didn’t realise that despite the bottles saying 100% lavender that it might also contain traces of fillers and stablisers that they used in the manufacture of the oils.

Are you surprised by that too?

That alone will change the frequency of what is in the bottle EVEN IF lavender is the only essential oil/plant material in there.

Anything synthetic that is used though, will lower the frequency and that’s why when I discovered this fact I threw away close to 40 bottles of essential oils that I’ve accumulated over the years from what I now consider to be inferior quality brands.

I honestly didn’t realise back then. I thought one bottle of essential oil was the same as the next…

You don’t know what you don’t know….

I always try my best to get “the best” in whatever I use in my home, on my body and in my body and I’m really happy with my choice to use Young Living essential oils.

These are SO MUCH MORE than just a nice smell… and now I use them every day in a multitude of ways so I want to make sure that what I am inhaling, ingesting and absorbing is pure and uncontaminated.

I feel safe with these oils. Their quality far surpasses any of the others I’ve looked into and as I work with them more and more I can feel the subtle changes happening within me.

Well, there’s an oil for everything of course but here are the ways I’ve been using them lately:

  • I worked with a particular oil blend to support my grief process as my beautiful doggie Benji passed away recently and I was bereft.
  • I’ve been using another to soothe my sore hip after my gym workout.
  • A combination of three blends to balance my hormones.
  • I have a few different ones that I rotate in my meditation practices — to align to my highest potential, vision my future, have clarity and inner direction, raise my frequency to access higher realms… and of course there are a couple I use for protection when I’m out and about in other people’s spaces.
  • A single oil in my baby granddaughters bath when she came to stay recently.
  • A blend for concentration as my son did an online exam while he was here at my house.
  • A different blend when my husband came home with the sniffles and sore throat. (All sign of illness was gone the next day).
  • Another in my water to clean the receptor sites within my body so that I can absorb more Vit D from the sun and for it’s anti cancer properties….

This is just a few things I’ve been doing with them…. There’s lots more.

There is no limitation to how these oils can help you to feel your best.

I’m pretty keen to share this knowledge… so if you’d like to know more let me know and I’ll put something together for you.

Or ask me anything about the oils and let’s work together to get oils into every home so we can all feel as good as I do.

Let’s keep in touch!

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