Can you imagine not having a shower or a bath for six months or more?
Or never cleaning your teeth?
You’d never do that right?! It’s basic personal hygiene…
Cleanliness of your physical body is important!
But do you ever give a thought to the cleanliness of your energy body?
Yes, believe it or not it’s a thing and spiritual hygiene is just as important as personal/physical hygiene.
The difference is that most people don’t know if their energy body is clogged with heavy decaying matter, black goo or parasites because they can’t see it!
It’s a whole other dimension of our being, that many people are unaware of – actually, many people don’t even know it exists!
But I see it and feel it and other people can too… although it astounds me that people who consider themselves to be “spiritually awake” also are often completely oblivious to this! (that’s a MAJOR GAP in their knowledge).
I think as we go forwards into 2025 and beyond, and as more people awaken their spiritual senses this will become much more of “a thing” that people talk about.
For at least 25 years already, my daily habit has been to clear my energy body in the morning. It’s basic spiritual housekeeping (not dissimilar to cleaning your teeth and showering!) and you’d be surprised what we can pick up energetically in our field as we sleep (although it depends a bit on which dimension you travel into at night)
I’ve always disliked it when people say things like “see you tonight in the astral!”
NO I try my very best to not hang out in the astral thank you!
It’s not an enlightened plane of existence… and yet people get all excited to think they’re hanging out in the 4th dimension!
No trust me, that’s not a place you want to hang out in. That’s exactly why you pick up some of that crappy energy that I see in your field. (OK… well maybe not you personally – I’m generalising here).
In truth though, if you are doing drugs (any type), drinking lots of alcohol, having many sexual partners, watching porn, doing astral travel or astral projection, unsafe ceremonies with fake wanna-be shaman…. Then your spiritual body is quite likely to have picked up some….. uhmmmm…. let’s just say “unwanted and potentially very dark” energies.
This all has an impact on your psyche and the unconscious choices that you make in your daily life.
Whilst I don’t advertise that I do entity clearing (because it’s not what I love to do), I CAN clear them.
What I’d prefer though is that you come to me for REGULAR energy clearing sessions because then, you are much more UNLIKELY to pick up entities in the first place!
That means that instead of constantly having to be clearing up mess…. When you have regular sessions with me the clean up is minimal and we can then start elevating your frequency and activating the higher parts of your self.
If someone lives with a constant energy goo around them, even if they are reading or talking about more advanced spiritual concepts, the bottom line is that they will ALWAYS be held down energetically to match the frequency of the goo in their field.
(unless of course they are being used by the dark side as we see with many spiritual influencers these days).
When we work together regularly you are much LESS LIKELY to pick up dark stuff in the first place (like attracts like) and as you raise your frequency more and more, that dark stuff can’t stick as easily.
The benefits of this are obviously higher frequency energy field, clarity of thought, increased intuition, psychic awareness, discovery and activation of your personal gifts and talents, improved ability to handle day to day challenges and remain emotionally stable, more willingness to do inner child and shadow work to expand consciousness AND improved physical health (because many disease states begin in the energy field and when left unaddressed make their way into the physical).
So with that said…. Here’s your reminder to adopt a routine of getting regular energy clearing and activation sessions.