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The Truth About Healers, Energy Frequencies, and Alignment – No Sugarcoating!

I may have said something controversial in a video I recorded today….  

That’s hard to believe, I know…..   after all… Karen saying something controversial???  Surely not! 

Now I can’t remember EXACTLY what I said, but it was something along the lines of:

Not every healer can work with high frequency energy…

And something about:

Sometimes you need to go to a different healer because maybe you’ve evolved beyond the one you’ve been going to for years…

And I think I touched on:

If the healer you’ve been going to for ages has not continued to clear his/her own emotional blocks and shadow, that he/she will be limited at the frequency of energy they can bring through.

Surely that’s more truth than controversial though right?! 

I gave this example:

You wouldn’t go to a kindergarten teacher for a university education, you would find someone who could meet you at university level – but both play a very important role.

That stands to reason, surely?

So to be clear…   I am not judging or criticising healers – I’m a healer myself!!

But it’s like everything in life, we must continue to grow and evolve.

We must do our own inner work and explore what works best for us and what doesn’t, and I think it’s perfectly ok to share the truth of our experience with that.

When we visit a healer we should be able to see some result of change within ourselves – a realistic result of course – and sometimes we experience miracles too! 

It’s subjective but honestly I think that not every healer can be a healer to everyone. Some people we are just more aligned to and we get better results with them – and maybe we just shouldn’t be working with everyone. (ooops is that another controversial statement?)

Anyway, that’s why I’d prefer just to call in “MY people” as opposed to trying to serve everyone because I know my purpose, and I’m here to activate specific people on to THEIR purpose. And that’s it.  


I’m not here to appeal to the masses.  If you like me, my vibe, what I say, then we’re probably a match!

Ok… so back to my main point…

Where I would urge caution is when you have a person saying that they’re channelling really high frequencies in their sessions, when the other areas of their life look anything OTHER than high frequency. 

One of my first mediumship teachers warned me of this in 2001 and it has proven itself to me time and again over the years.

It’s about frequency and alignment.

If you (or any person) is claiming to be high vibe and saying that your life is amazing and abundant and that you are a living example of…  uhmmm… well something (that everyone else looks up to you for). 

And yet, your private life is filled with low vibe behaviours, choices, problems and negative thought patterns…. then: “Houston… we have a problem”. 

(and that was probably all fake too BTW – don’t even get me started on NASA!! ).

((( Oooh… Remind me to talk about the level of voltage that a person can channel on another day – this post is long enough as it is! )))

Anyway, I think you get my point don’t you?

Integrity and truth are high frequency. 

On social media we either see highlight reels where life looks amazing, OR we get the “I’m so sad” reels to get people drawn in because they think you’re so open and honest.

Some (not all) of these are pure manipulation and you can feel it!

The more you align to the Truth Vibration, the easier and quicker you can feel Untruth and Manipulation. 

As we move more into the New Earth timeline there HAS TO BE alignment to that timeline and frequency otherwise you just won’t be able to hold it – there will be no alignment. 

Anything FAKE and UNTRUTHFUL is being exposed now and it’s going to all crumble and fall apart.

We are being called to clean up our act (if we haven’t already!) because FREQUENCIES DON’T LIE – but lower consciousness people do – and no matter what these people look like on the surface… not matter how great their reputation, fame, fortune and all the rest of it…  the bottom line is that if they are not living in truth they will not thrive in a New Earth timeline that is ALL about Truth.

Why do you think so much is being exposed and uncovered right now?    Yeh… precisely that….   

We’re IN the time of Truth and there is just no escaping it. (and just like that, Karen drops another truth bomb)

What are your thoughts on this whole thing?  

I’d love to hear your perspective and experience with this.  

What is it that YOU see?

I’m waiting to hear from you…..

Let’s keep in touch!

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