
Clean Your Energy Like You Clean Your Body!

Can you imagine not having a shower or a bath for six months or more? Or never cleaning your teeth? You’d never do that right?! It’s basic personal hygiene… Cleanliness of your physical body is important!
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Are You Ready to Leave 3D Behind and Embrace 5D?

Many years ago, I used to do a lot of mediumship. I would very easily see and talk with your loved ones that had passed away and were now in the spirit world. At that time, everywhere I went, I would see dead people and some came to me for help to move on from where they were stuck “between worlds”.
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Are You Ready to Create the Future?

Do you dream of living in the 5D New Earth? Have you ever wondered where it actually is, or how to “get there”? Is it real or imagined? And what subtle or not-so-subtle changes will you have to make if you want to experience the 5D timeline that everyone is talking about?
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The Power of Pure Essential Oils to Raise Your Frequency and Transform Your Life

Everything has a frequency… and we know from the work of people like David Hawkins that when the human body is vibrating at a low frequency it is more prone to illness and disease… and that when the body is vibrating at a higher frequency it experiences health and states of joy and happiness. And what subtle or not-so-subtle changes will you have to make if you want to experience the 5D timeline that everyone is talking about?
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Trust Your Inner Guidance: Your Body Knows the Truth

I was talking with one of the members inside my Ascension Temple membership this morning… and we were talking about the dark spells and subliminal programming that is inserted into movies. We both agreed that we can “feel” when there is something slightly off in a movie and we can’t watch them. Not just the scary or horror movies…. But any of the movies that contain a negative agenda. Are you the same?
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