
3D or 5D? You Have To Choose Now

We're at the point at which we can no longer straddle both timelines. The time of sitting on the fence and saying one thing and doing another is gone. The cracks of the old timeline and false narrative are visible and the construct is crumbling. All who caused harm will be held accountable and we need to let go of telling the story of how we were suppressed and controlled.
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2022 – Energy Overview of this Year.

2022 – Energy Overview of this Year. Is this the year of Truth and Revelation that we’ve been waiting for? We can look forward to seeing much of what has been hidden, finally reveal. The spell is broken and the illusions are starting to break down all around us.
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Soar like an Eagle

We are being presented with a wonderful opportunity to soar like an eagle. It requires courage - to stand in your Truth - to follow your heart - to recognise and overcome your weak spots and limitations. If we do, then we can soar to new heights of success in all aspects of our life.
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The Love of Money

Many people have a love/hate relationship with money. It’s one of the subjects that people get very uncomfortable with and statistically is the subject that causes more arguments between couples than any other.
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Stand in Truth and Open your Heart

It's an amazing time on the planet. The Light is shining upon all the darkness and the Truth is revealing more than ever before. It's time now to open your heart and be kind - to yourself and to others. It's time to come together.
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Can We Still Be Abundant In These Current Times?

(Long and Comprehensive Version of this week's reading) Includes: New Variant, Freedom Rallies, Trauma Based Mind Control, Psych Op, Ancestral Trauma, Anger and the Divine Masculine and how to keep our vibration high so that we can still create a beautiful 5D future.
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Abundance in this Current Timeline

Energy and Abundance Reading for 29th November. Includes: New Variant, Freedom Rallies, Trauma Based Mind Control, Psych Op, Ancestral Trauma, Anger and the Divine Masculine and how to keep our vibration high so that we can still create a beautiful 5D future.
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Where will your choices and decisions lead you?

Do you believe that You Create Your Own Reality? Do you realise that every choice and decision you make aligns you to a future timeline or reality? Are your choices honouring or are they going against God's Natural Laws?
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Do You Have A Love/hate Relationship With Yourself?

You’d be surprised how many people do. When everything’s going well in our lives, it’s easy to love ourselves.  We feel good and everything feels possible for us. But along comes a full moon, a retrograde planet, our monthly cycle, an unkind word and suddenly our whole world seems to go to hell in a handbasket and we start hating life and hating ourselves. Maybe hate is too strong a word… but we all know what it’s like to feel like crap, and then those old sneaky destructive thoughts start to creep in.
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