
The Love Of Money

Many people have a love/hate relationship with money. It’s one of the subjects that people get very uncomfortable with and statistically is the subject that causes more arguments between couples than any other. Women would happily tell you how many designer handbags they have (do the math!), but they would never dream of telling you how much money they have in their bank account.
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Are You Being Who You Came Here To Be?

What does it take to create a new version of yourself? Have you ever tried to change your image…. but failed to sustain the change longer than a week? Have you bought a few nice new outfits thinking that if you just wore the right clothes then you could be somebody else – carry a whole different persona and become a new version of yourself.
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How To Get Your Reality To Match Your Vision.

Have you ever seen yourself in a vision that looked so amazing and felt so real, that you wondered how you were ever going to pull it off? I have.  Many times. It usually happens in response to me asking a question, something like:  What am I really here for?  or What’s my highest potential?
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What to do when you’ve given up on yourself.

Have you given up on yourself? Maybe you have and you haven’t even realised it. Sometimes people are waiting for something….   but they don’t know what they’re waiting for.  So then, how will they recognise it when it comes? It's just part of the reason that they don’t know why they’re stuck but there's more. Does this resonate with you?
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Lightworker: It’s Your Time Now!

I get where you’re at.  I searched for years to find my Soul Purpose. I think I was expecting some huge light bulb moment when a whole vision would open up and I’d instantly know everything I needed to know about what I was here to do.
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A Time of Unrest and How to find Peace again

In my experience, when I discover new information that is shocking to me, there's always a period of unrest that follows.  Mostly unrest within myself because I'm uncomfortable with what I've just found out and with what will need to happen next.
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Are you having an Identity Crisis?

I’d bet, that we all go through an identity crisis at some point in our life. We ask ourselves things like:   Who am I?  What am I supposed to be doing with my life?  What should I be doing next? We ask the questions, but very often we don’t stop to listen for the answers.  Especially for those that need to come from somewhere beyond our mental mind.
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It’s Your Time To Shine

When I was a teenager at school, they asked us what we wanted to do once we left. They directed us to a box of index cards in the library and some books and told us to pick something and they’d help us to map out our career path. The career I wanted wasn’t in that box, so I felt stuck and asked for help, but didn’t get any.  Instead I got laughed at and made to feel stupid.
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Could The Law of Attraction Be What’s Holding You Back?

Back then, I literally believed that the Law of Attraction would just magically drop clients into my lap.  I actually didn’t even believe in promoting my business that much because I thought it would all just happen automatically. It sounds rather foolish to say that now, but I wasn’t the only one to think that way and many people still do, even today!
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