
3 Things That Will Stop You From Living Your Life Purpose

Many of my clients come to me saying that they feel stuck, they’re really frustrated… they feel they should be “doing something” but they don’t know what. Why do they come to me and say that? — because I’m really good at getting people unstuck and back on to the right path again — that’s what I do. It’s a bit like helping them to know what they already know… or helping them to do what they know they need to do but for some reason are not doing.
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Why Listening To Your Intuition Could Be The Best Decision Of Your Life.

When I channelled guidance from my Higher Self one day in a psychic development class, my teacher told me that it was “only” my higher self and I shouldn’t pay too much attention to it. I thought that channelling my higher self was a good thing, but she said no, it meant nothing. I was quite a beginner back then, and I believed her.  Instead I strived to ignore my inner voice and channel other beings whose insights, she said, were more important than my own.  I opened the door to guardians, guides, angels and other beings whose identity was questionable at best and of course completely unproven in any conceivable or objective manner
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Completed Contracts

Have you ever had that feeling of freedom that comes from knowing that you have just completed a contract that has been with you for a while, and that was beginning to feel heavy or to pull you down…?
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What Keeps You Stuck?

Why can't you seem to make the changes in your life that will get you the life you really want? Every one of us can change, if we want to.  There's not one of us that can't. My area of expertise is helping people to get unstuck and in all of the thousands of people I have worked with over the years, I can tell you, for sure, that every single one of us can get unstuck if we really want to, because it's only ourselves that's keeping us stuck.
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A Timeline Fracture

We all have choices. When we fall into fear and worry about some possible future timeline event, like so many people are right now, we can’t help but lower our vibration. Fear and worry are not high vibrational states of being.
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Transformation through Isolation

These are unprecedented times… we’ve been hearing this everywhere lately, but what if it’s not what we think it is… what if we are actually in a time of unprecedented opportunity for growth and transformation, perhaps one that was divinely orchestrated as a counter punch off the back of what appeared to be a global disaster…
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(Part 3) Is This The Shift Of Consciousness We’ve Been Waiting For?

How To Be Of Service Right Now If you’re anything like me, you’ve been meditating and doing healing work on yourself for many years already. You’re probably very well aware of frequency and vibration and you’ve been doing the work to shift your consciousness into a higher state of being knowing that your health will improve and you will be able to live a more abundant and happy life.
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