
Maybe it’s not what we think it is.

Have you ever had an experience in which, just when you were about to embark on a new path, this massive amount of fear comes up from nowhere? Sometimes that feeling is so intense that it stops you dead in your tracks.  Gut wrenching fear, that makes you break out into a sweat. What do you attribute it to? I know that sometimes in spiritual circles people say that it’s a warning sign that you’re on the wrong path… that you’re heading in the wrong direction and such like. And have you ever had a healing session in which you’ve felt sick before, during or after, or had chills or the shakes during the session… and people have said to you that it’s because the healer was running dark energies or was “not clear”.
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Valuing Yourself!

The missing piece for me, came when I worked with a woman who had come for help with something very specific in a healing session. It became a turning point in my life and has completely transformed my business and made me value my worth in a way that I never did before. When we continue to evolve and grow, our work will too and I realised in the type of session I was doing with this woman that my own personal growth and development was not recognised.  There was no space for my values ...
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What’s holding YOU back?

Many of my clients come to me and say that they just want to follow their heart and do what they came here to do…. Or that they want to make a difference in the World… or words to that effect. Some simply want to open up their creativity or be the best version of themselves that they can possibly be. But no matter what they want, they usually come to me when they’re stuck and not getting where they really want to be in life. I know for a fact, that I’ve said exactly the same things myself in the past, so I understand what it feels like to be there.
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How to have a Happy and Abundant Life

It seems to be human nature to avoid the things that make us feel uncomfortable. The mind’s job is to keep us safe, and alive basically… so it stands to reason then that if something is not making us feel good, that it could be a warning that we are in danger and we should probably do something to move away from that danger. It’s basic instinct… it goes back to primitive days, when our senses were probably more heightened than they are today and we could feel when we were in mortal danger and about to be pounced on by tiger. But that’s unlikely to happen to us today
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Stuck, Locked Down and Paralysed in Fear

It’s amazing how fear can manifest in so many different areas of our life.  Sometimes without us even realising that it’s there. Fear of the dark, fear of speaking our truth, fear of being alone, fear of money, fear of being successful, fear of being seen, fear of being not seen….  Yes, they’re all real, I’ve had some of these myself and I’ve helped numerous clients with these, and a great many other fears besides. But today, I had to sit back a moment and raise a cup to celebrate myself and my success.  There’s one particular fear I’ve been working on for a while and in it's most general form, its one that everyone has to some degree. 
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Dark Attack? – No, It’s a Manipulation through Words

Some time ago, I became aware that several of my written articles that were originally published on a very well-known spiritual online magazine, had been taken/stolen and were beginning to appear on You Tube in the form of videos. My articles had been put through one of those voice software Apps, so in effect, it was my written words being read aloud by a terrible robotic voice and also, there was no mention of me as being the author. I found all different versions and with different titles but they were the same few articles, created to look like many different ones.
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Activations. Why Some of Them Worry Me!

Just this week, I was tootling around on Facebook and someone had shared a video of a woman talking about the Solstice Retreat that she had just hosted. She talked about the beautiful energies in this stunning location that she’d chosen and how she and her group had felt so supported by the nature spirits and elementals that were all around them.
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Will you Find Your True Self in the New Age — or Is It Just a Distraction?

In the 60s it became popular to “find yourself” in an Ashram in India. More recently people attempted to find themselves or their soul group by following New Age teachings and when that wasn’t sufficient to their needs (or when they felt a bit stuck there and wanted something new), they moved up a dimension to search for their star family or home planet through Ascension teachings.
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When You Just Can’t Be Heard…

Do You Still Have a Practical Side or Are You Woo-Woo All the Way? Have you ever been in a situation where, no matter what you say or how you say it… the other person just cannot (or will not) hear you? It’s quite frustrating isn’t it?! I recently had this situation happen to me and it reminded me of a lady I had worked with 15 years ago. Let me tell you more...
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Woo Woo is Not Always Right

Every now and again, I get on my controversial soap box now and today is one of those days. I've just read an article online and it's exactly the type of thing that really irritates me about the New Age industry. I think its dangerous, misleading, negligent and potentially it could be very damaging to somebody.
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