
My Journey to Find the Right Coach

The first time I paid “a lot” of money to do a live training I was really disappointed to find that there were 90 people in the room when I was told there would be 20. The first time I did an online group coaching (which I also paid a lot of money for) I was also disappointed to find that there were 968 people in the group. Yes, 968!
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Do You Believe You Are Worthy of Abundance?

Do you believe you deserve to live a happy and healthy life and have all the money that you want…? I do… But in my experience, I have seen that it doesn’t just naturally drop into our lap. Nope. We have “to work for it”.
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Change Your Relationship With Money to Create An Amazing Life

Do “money” and “spirituality” go together? I think this has always been a challenge for healers, and for spiritual folk in general, to find a place where they are comfortable to put the two together. If I had $10 for each person who has told me over the years that I shouldn’t charge for my healing work, well… I’d be rich!!
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Have You Experienced The Truth Shivers?

I have. It happens most often for me in client sessions… when I know without doubt that I am ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about something that I am seeing for them (or know about them and what they’re here to do). And when I know I’m right — I tell them that I’m right and I STRESS that I am ABSOLUTELY RIGHT.
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What You Can Expect As Part of Your Awakening and Ascension Process

You might be aware that the energies have really been ramping up here big time of late. Lots of people are struggling as the polarity is increasing and for anyone who has not done sufficient inner work to be able to tolerate these new energies, it can feel like you are being burned at the stake — literally and metaphorically.
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AI — Is It Your Friend or Is It The End?

Have you ever watched a movie and said to a friend: “What if that’s true? What if they’re trying to tell us something?” If you have, chances are your friend might have said something like: “Oh don’t be silly, it’s just a movie!!!” Haha… Yes of course… but IS it “just a movie”….?
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A Message to Unscrupulous Healers

The bottom line is: Please don’t think that you can learn how to de-program an MK Ultra/Project Monarch victim/client, by asking someone you don’t know and have never met, a few questions on Messenger. It’s dangerous. You could cause more harm to that person and it’s just not professional to do this. Just admit that it’s not your area of expertise and let the person go and find someone who is experienced and can genuinely help them…
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