Since my awakening in about 1992 I’ve studied all manner of things — many different spiritual paths, healing techniques, and modalities — and various dogmas and beliefs which I have successfully extracted myself from once I realised the distortions inherent within them.
People often say to me that they’d like to be psychic but they don’t think they are.
Well, I believe that “being psychic” is a fundamental ability that all humans possess as we evolve, but that it’s been largely conditioned out of us as part of living in this 3D matrix.
Have you heard people say that “we are Creator Gods”?
We are! Well technically we are not “Gods” — there is only one Creator God — we are aspects of God and we are creators… But people like to play with words and make it sound something grand eh?
Anyway — we are creators. We have the ability to create.
Let’s be clear here… when I talk about Ascension, I am not talking about rising up and leaving this planet... This is not about the rapture!!!!
Ascension is spiritual awakening…
It’s the expanding of consciousness…
Well actually, there is no “sudden” about it.
I have been teaching this since around 2006 and honestly, it’s been hard waiting for people to wake up…
People weren’t ready to hear this back then… it was far too woo… but due to our current time cycle and planetary frequency changes I think people are ready now. Are you?
The frequency of this 3D Earth is increasing as it progresses towards merging its field with 5D Tara to become the New Earth.
Those who are trying to rigidly hold on to the old systems of control and domination, are VERY uncomfortable right now and are pulling out all the stops in a bid to maintain their positions of control over the people, the earth, and its energy matrix AND quite frankly, to try to stop or divert the natural organic process of ascension in this current stellar activation cycle.
D’you want to know my top three “no it doesn’t work quite like that” tips when it comes to manifestation?
Manifestation is one of THE MOST fashionable words on social media these days I think.
Wanna know what’s exciting me right now?
Oooh…. I bet you do! Well, it’s simple.
What I’m seeing is alignment. More and more of my fellow teachers, healers, and lightworkers coming into alignment with THEIR truth and ACTIVATING their unique gifts and talents…