Years ago, I made a Declaration to Spirit, that I wanted to live my life in Truth and that I wanted to see and learn to recognise everything that was Un-Truth.
This began the unexpected process of dismantling my life.
My marriage ended. Friendships ended.
And many of my spiritual beliefs fell apart too.
Do you love the idea of manifestation but get really TURNED OFF by all the ostentatious bullsh*t that you see all over social media from some of the manifestation gurus?
Are you telling me you don’t dream of owning a yacht or a beachfront mansion? !!!!
I have to tell you this… even though I don’t really want to go there…
Did you know that it’s possible to pick up (so-called) negative, or unwanted energy, from participating in a meditation circle, a drumming or chanting circle, cacao ceremony or actually… any spiritual gathering at all to be honest…
If I were to ask a room full of women: “Who wants to manifest their dream life?” I’m pretty sure nobody would put their hand up and say: “No thanks, that’s not for me”.
So we could say that all of them want their dream life but they are still at varying stages of actually manifesting it.
Would you say that’s true for you too?
I admit that for quite a long period of time I did.
Actually to be honest, I hated talking about or having to deal with money.
I had money, but I had a terrible fear that I would lose it all or that it would all be taken away from me and I’d end up homeless on the streets.