My thoughts, feelings and sensing of these current energies and this timeline that is collapsing now.
What are you aligned to?
Light or Darkness?
What do successful people know about achieving results that the rest of us don't know?
Why do some people have habits of never completing what they start?
Discover how your mind works for you or against you and why you never get where you want to be.
Contrary to popular belief, your money blocks are not about money. They're about something else entirely.
Want to know more? DM me with "Help I have Money Blocks" and I'll give you some steps to take to start identifying what your money blocks are and where they came from.
You try to buy yourself some extra time and keep moving the date at which you’ll make this change.
Or you hope things will just get better all on their own, or that the other person in the relationship will make the decision and save you from having to say anything… until suddenly 2, or 5, or even 10 years have passed and you’re still stuck.
You haven’t followed your heart. You’re not living in joy. You’re just treading water waiting for something to happen to make it all better. But usually it’s just getting worse.
Change is not always comfortable and it's our mind that stops us from moving away from pain and towards pleasure.
In this video I talk about how to use your mind to begin to make the changes you need to make to create the life you want.
We’ve all been programmed to be a certain way.
We think that it’s “just the way we are”, but really, the way we are, the way we behave, think, act and feel is a reaction to past events and past programming.
When you introduce a small child to new people and preface that introduction with something like “she’s very shy, she doesn’t talk much” – you are subtly programming that child to become the way you say she is.
We’ve all been programmed to be a certain way.
We think that it’s “just the way we are”, but really, the way we are, the way we behave, think, act and feel is a reaction to past events and past programming.
In this episode, I explain a little more about how these programmes work as well as how you can begin to identify the negative programming that's been holding you back from achieving your dreams.
In order to manifest the reality you want in this physical level, you have to take the necessary action steps to make it happen.
This is often where we get stuck though...
In this video I talk a little about what trips us up and how to uncover our sabotages.
Just last week, I said that your thoughts create your reality – and they do…. but this week I’m going to go a step further and say that in order to manifest the reality that you really want, you actually have to do something about it.
When we focus just outside of ourselves we can tend to forget about the power that is within us – our own magnificence, in a sense – and actually some people don’t even know that this part of them even exists… they don’t teach us this in schools. But actually if they did, we would see a very different world today.