Have you ever said to yourself something like:
I feel stuck, but I don’t know why;
There’s something blocking me from moving ahead but I don’t know what it is; or
If I knew why I’m stuck then I could just fix it, but I just don't know.
Really…..? I thought… that’s all you got for me?!
My eyes were nearly popping out of my head because I’d just witnessed something pretty amazing and I was kind of expecting more from her - like a magical formula or something. Let me explain…
We all have a different interpretation of what the word "broke" means.
One person can be broke with 50 cents in their purse, whilst for another person, broke means that they’re down to their last 4 million.
Let me tell you about my client James, who came to me for help when he was broke.
Although it may be slightly uncomfortable for some of my spiritual peeps to admit it, many of them do actually want to be successful in business.
Many of us don’t know how to make that happen though, and that’s the part that trips us up.
It’s true for everybody, that if we want to have a successful business then it’s imperative that we see ourselves as successful first. Anything less than that, will only yield less than that.
Is it wrong to talk about money?
I’ve asked this question to lots of my clients.
Many of them hesitate before they respond, but I can almost see them going through their thought process as they search for an answer to give me. They want to give me the right answer, but they’re not sure what that really is.
You see, as spiritually minded folk, many of us have picked up an unspoken rule that it’s wrong or bad somehow, if you talk about money. But there’s a part to that, that really doesn’t make much sense and your mind knows it too.
Lots of my spiritually minded clients tell me that “money is not important to them" or that "they don’t want lots of money”.
Later in our conversation, they’ll tell me that they’re: "stuck in their business or in life and if they had more money they could do something different and it would all be better".
Do you see what I’m seeing here?
Both of these children had potentially just been programmed in regards to their money mindset – and yet on the surface, it had seemed like just a normal day in a suburban street.
But the final blow was yet to come…
Many people have a love/hate relationship with money.
It’s one of the subjects that people get very uncomfortable with and statistically is the subject that causes more arguments between couples than any other.
Women would happily tell you how many designer handbags they have (do the math!), but they would never dream of telling you how much money they have in their bank account.
What does it take to create a new version of yourself?
Have you ever tried to change your image…. but failed to sustain the change longer than a week?
Have you bought a few nice new outfits thinking that if you just wore the right clothes then you could be somebody else – carry a whole different persona and become a new version of yourself.
I’d bet, that we all go through an identity crisis at some point in our life.
We ask ourselves things like: Who am I? What am I supposed to be doing with my life? What should I be doing next?
We ask the questions, but very often we don’t stop to listen for the answers. Especially for those that need to come from somewhere beyond our mental mind.