
Programmes of your Mind

We’ve all been programmed to be a certain way. We think that it’s “just the way we are”, but really, the way we are, the way we behave, think, act and feel is a reaction to past events and past programming. In this episode, I explain a little more about how these programmes work as well as how you can begin to identify the negative programming that's been holding you back from achieving your dreams.
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Your Actions Manifest Your Reality

In order to manifest the reality you want in this physical level, you have to take the necessary action steps to make it happen. This is often where we get stuck though... In this video I talk a little about what trips us up and how to uncover our sabotages.
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You Create Your Own Reality

Did you know that your thoughts create your reality? And everything you either have or don't have in your life right now is a direct reflection of the thoughts you have, the images you see in your mind and your feelings about your life? Have a listen and let me tell you more...
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