My Blog

Guiding You to Truth, Ascension, and Your Highest Potential

I Am Who I Am. I just have to be me.

I’ve censored myself heavily at times in the past.

I’ve tried to say things that won’t p*ss people off too much, but the truth is that SOMETIMES the truth DOES p*ss people off, because it shatters their illusions of how things really are in this world. So much has been hidden from us and it would really benefit us if we knew the truth, but people are complacent and Stockholm Syndrome is a real thing and people like to feel comfortable even if it’s all lies.

But I can’t help that.

I’ve explored my fear of “being seen”… of being hunted down and killed for speaking the truth. (Yes, that has happened to me in the past.)

The Witch Wound comes alive within me at each new level that I reach, although I was never a witch in the classic and modern day understanding of this term.

I was ALWAYS a lightworker, a healer, a teacher, a seer, a truth-speaker and a holder of the Divine Codes that activate people back into their own knowing.

Not everyone resonates with me (or even likes me!) and that’s fine.

I’m only here to work my people.

I’m here to help them to wake up and remember who they are, because in turn, they are here to make a difference in the world too and they have people that they are meant to reach. They have people that they can help too.

Many of my spiritual peeps are still sleeping really (new age beliefs have seen to that!) — though they think they’re awake.

They are already healers and lightworkers themselves. But I can see so much more within them, that they can’t see within themselves yet.

It’s a gift I have, to see that within them and help them to switch it on and supercharge their already existing gifts and talents, taking them to a whole new level.

I can see where they’re stuck too and I can guide them out of their stuckness.

It used to be painful for me to watch people go off track and follow a path that I knew would limit them. Especially when they would often come back to me and ask me why I didn’t stop them — why I didn’t tell me to do something different.

I did… but they didn’t hear me.

I’ve learned that we all have to have these experiences in life because that’s how we learn. That’s where our wisdom comes from.

Nothing beats a real lived in experience but if we can empower ourselves first, then we can choose good experiences over those that are going to take us down a really dark path.

I can usually see about four different paths that are open to you at any given point and I can help guide you to the path that will lead you to your highest potential.

I am a guide though not a controller and ultimately I can only help you to choose the best path for you. I can’t make you!

I’ve been right about so many things over the years. The so-called conspiracy theories I have talked about since 2006 have all come true and been proven. Every single one of them.

People called me crazy and disregarded what I’d said… but I was right nonetheless.

Yes. I gave some warnings of things “not to do”. Not everyone listened and I was censored on several platforms for some of the things I warned against.

Why would that be, d’you think?

Anyway I won’t censor myself anymore and that’s why I’ve created the Ascension Temple on a whole different platform. Somewhere where I WON’T be censored from speaking the Truth. (DM me if you want details to join us there).

We’re moving more than ever before into a time of truth.

So many things will be revealed over the coming few years that it might blow your mind… and I feel like I’ve been waiting thousands of years for this reveal, so I’m pretty excited.

If you hang around with me long enough, you’ll catch this truth vibration too and you’ll more easily be able to find your own truth in all things and you’ll become much more inner directed;

your inner knowing will switch on with incredible accuracy and the volume of your inner voice will increase so that you can’t mistake it!

This is Awakening.


And it all happens inside your own body through your consciousness. Your body IS your ascension temple.

I am just a guide to help you to find you. The real you.

So if you’re looking for this type of guidance, reach out to me and I’ll help you to Remember Who You Truly Are AND Activate your Gifts and Talents to a whole new level.

Let’s keep in touch!

Contact me to find out
how I can help you


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