My Blog

Helping Humanity Grow and Activate the Lightbody

A timeline shift in the collective has become apparent in recent weeks and it is very clear to me personally that this shift has affected me in big and exciting ways. Naturally, my work is shifting too, to reflect this.

My soul contract as part of the Melchizadek Cloister Emerald Order (the pure Melchizadeks!) and the Covenant of Paliador has been upgraded into a new aspect of that work.

Previously (for thousands of years) we have been “holding” the imprint of the 12 strand DNA templates in the morphogenetic field here on 3D Earth, so that our people (the Lost Souls of Tara) could access it and rebuild the necessary energetic structures within their lightbody so as to enable them to find their way back home to 5D Earth/Tara in the upcoming Ascension Cycle.

That time is NOW.

This is the time for us to increasingly activate our people, support them through more disclosure (of our cosmic origins) and promote the re-education of humanity into Service to Others and the Law of One because the planet can now energetically support this new level of awakening.

I’m very excited about this shift — it’s a huge achievement for humanity and I am working to bring through my personal part of this next level of our ascension process.

As I’ve mentioned previously, I have no doubt at all, that the men and women attracted to my work are “my people from Tara”.

Some of you are now ready to step into your New Earth roles as teachers, healers, speakers, leaders, and creators in ways that align with your own personal soul mission and I am here to support you as you do that.

Others of you are the people I have come here to find and claim back as one of “our people”…

What you have experienced through some of the ancient cosmic and galactic wars throughout history (that you have minimal knowledge of because it has been hidden from you) has created such deep core wounding that you are struggling to move forward with your healing process (and sometimes with life in general);

Some of you hold such deep pain and disconnection that your path back to full healing is and has been a difficult one;

Some of you have lost your way and forgotten who you (truly) are…

No soul that chooses to participate in their own ascension process will be left behind and I am reaching out my hand to you now.

I am being shown a “new process” for healing and activating the layers of your lightbody and at the moment my downloads are consisting of the pieces of this new process.

As soon as I am able, I will share more with you…

In the meantime, my work continues in the education (and re-education) of sacred laws, the energetic structure for ascension, Law of One and Service to Others and the rehabilitation and healing of your DNA and Divine Energy Template (which are my personal speciality pieces BTW).

If you feel resonant with my work, please reach out to me to find out how I can best support you in your personal healing.

Or join us inside the New Earth Ascension Temple where I share the teachings, meditations and activations that will support you in the next stages of your awakening and ascension process.

In order to acknowledge this next level of my work, we have a new look for our Ascension Temple and I am very excited to bring these teachings through at this pivotal time in earth’s ascension.…/ASCENSIONTEMPLEMEMBERSHIP

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