This has been a week of very deep reflection and intense emotion.
At times, I’ve felt deep grief, fear, confusion, abandonment and an unshakeable restlessness. For what, I didn’t quite know… until it became clearer to me today, in meditation.
I’ve felt this before. Many times. So I knew that something big was coming… but what?
It feels a bit like a Dark Night of the Soul… but it’s actually a stripping back — a getting clear — and getting neutral — so that I can receive the information of the next stage of my purpose and mission work. (Yeh, that’s intense!)
I was shown a few things that are coming next in our Earth experience here… and I saw the part that I am to play in that… and to be honest, I felt some fear…
I am being required to change again so that I can continue to expand and evolve… and change like this is not always comfortable even though it can also feel a bit exciting all at the same time.
Change requires letting go and sometimes there are a few tears… and there were some, and that’s good, but it’s not comfortable either.
It’s impossible to move forwards into the new when we are still dragging the old (beliefs and ways of being) with us so we have to untether from that. That’s where the squirm factor comes in a bit because we are letting go of “who we think we are” in order to embody “who we came here to be” even if we don’t know who that is yet! (It can be a bit discombobulating).
A whole new level is available to us if we can just get out of our own way and allow our inner divine to be our guide.
As we move ever forwards into this New Earth Timeline — things of the old are collapsing and disintegrating around us.
This is good — but we can feel fear about this too — because we don’t know what “the new” will look like yet…
Many things created in the frequency of the old timelines can’t move forwards with us — that energy is just not compatible with the new and as we see things falling away from us, perhaps we will grieve our loss.
But we are being asked right now, to step into the unknown and have trust and faith that we are on the right track.
That can be hard I know, but that’s precisely why developing a DEEP DEEP connection with your Soul and the Divine within you, is so important and it will only become MORE AND MORE important as time goes on.
We know now that many of the things we were told about our past are lies.
And now in this time, the uncovering of Truth will ramp up so fast that it will almost make people’s heads explode, as every belief system they have clung on to their whole life is about to be challenged and potentially it will all fall apart in front of their eyes.
Yes. It’s that big!
We’re in for a rocky time with this.
Our external reality is going to be majorly challenged and for some of us, THE ONLY safe and stable place for our mind to rest for a little while, is within our internal reality and our connection with God.
This is what we need to focus on now.
Go inwards.
Extract yourself from the meta verse of social media and listen within. Let the truth come through you — as a part of you — and you will be held and comforted and supported through this immense time of transition.
If you need help and support through this time, please reach out. I’m here and ready to help.