My Blog

Julie Anne Turpin, Virey, France

I’ve known Karen for many years but have always sat outside the circle of Starseeds, Ascension etc and most forms of ‘Woo-woo’ (Karen’s words not mine!), and felt that they weren’t really addressed to me. I’ve done a fair amount of yoga and had reflexology/Reiki healing and am a total believer in a higher power and ‘there must be something more’, but not quite sure what. For some reason I’ve never felt pulled to sign up to any courses available on Karen’s website despite receiving notifications. That is, until now!
Having gone through some fairly momentous life changes this year, my mindset has changed for the better helped along by words of guidance and encouragement from Karen as a friend.Then, earlier this year she sent me an invitation to join the ‘Intuition development’ class. And hey, guess what? I felt an overwhelming urge to enrol! How’s that for intuition?We are almost at the end of the course now, last one next week, and I have so enjoyed being a part of the group and feel a real connection and belonging with them. I’ve learned so much about myself and thanks to Karen, I realise I’ve been accepting ‘intuition ‘hits’ at major times of change in my life and have followed them knowing instinctively that it was the right thing to do.So, it turns out I was following my intuition without even thinking about it.
Karen’s supportive and encouraging  words, gentle guidance and AMAZING meditations have changed my outlook (and inlook!) completely. My journey of self knowledge  is well under way now and I have just signed up for my next adventure in alignment and self-awareness, and I’m looking forward to honing my skills in intuition recognition and acceptance with Karen.

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