I can’t remember a time of such (organic) energetic intensity…
Despite having been on a spiritual awakening path for some 30 years, what I experienced the other night was WAAAAAYYYY beyond anything I’ve been through consciously for a really long time… (with the exception of a few massive psychic attack experiences I’ve had, when I needed to call upon all of my Darks Arts Training).
But this energy is not dark. This energy is Light…
We’ve had a massive light implosion which was designed to create a split in the timeline whereby we are now seriously called to choose our path going forward.
I was conscious of falling through dimensions and landing in a timeline experience and then realising that I was in the wrong life… and then lifting myself back up and shifting into the RIGHT one.
There are many parts to us. We are not just one person having this experience…
We are multidimensional. Existing on many different timelines and having many different experiences in the one moment so knowing where to place our consciousness is important.
Is that cryptic enough for you?
Sometimes we experience things that are really difficult to put into words but I hope that whoever needs to hear this will get it.
What I came to realise throughout that wild nighttime journey, is something I knew on a mental level but it was brought home to me — actually I gotta say RAMMED home to me in full multidimensional technicolour — is that whatever we choose to align to NOW really dictates our path forwards. I got to see the seriousness of it when I woke up momentarily in the wrong life.
This is a time of endings. We have to move away from the things that are not in alignment for us — that are not going to be serving us going forwards — that cause us to compromise our values — and that challenge our truth and our integrity. This is serious. We will regret staying in the wrong life.
It’s like a test.
Or maybe some kind of weird Universal Joke… but I can also see its value.
I’m sure there’s some biblical verse about being tested before you can go through the gates to heaven or something?
Well, I’m not sure that this is quite that same test but I can see that this is a test of energetic alignment that’s for sure.
People, jobs, places, behaviours, beliefs, careers, etc that are not energetically aligned will need to fall away because if they’re not the right fit for you then they will be energetically draining and you simply won’t be able to stay there AND continue to expand in consciousness the way you want to. You can’t have both.
I know this will be hard for people.
Perhaps it boils down to this… we say we want the New Earth, but we’re unwilling to change anything to get there.
Sometimes you simply have to stop doing the things that drag you down if you want a better life.
Smoking, drugs, casual sex, wrong relationships, bad food, porn, gambling, social media addiction….. I don’t know what you’ve got going on that needs to end but in your heart, you know what’s not serving you… and now is the time to act.
It’s a bit like needing to have a “come to Jesus moment” but not necessarily involving Jesus… more like just not playing with the devil.
Anyway, let that stuff go and re-commit to you and your ascension path.
This can easily include the way you think about yourself and the unkind words that you say to yourself too.
Start being kind to yourself.
Start loving and appreciating yourself.
It’s sad that we often speak to strangers with a kinder voice than the one we use when we speak to ourselves.
This type of thing has to stop. It’s not serving you and you know it.
So with this massive shift of energy that has come through now, and that will continue to come through from this point on, things will only get more intense.
We will see people going more and more into struggle because they are being pushed to change and people don’t really like change. They try to resist it and it is this resistance that causes them pain.
We are heading into some energetic turbulence as we birth this new era and being kind to yourself and trusting your heart to guide you into alignment is the simplest step you can take to release inner resistance.
If you need support to make sense of the changes that are being asked of you, please reach out and book a session with me. DM me to find out how I can support you.