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Want To Know How Energies Work AND How to Protect Yourself at All Times?

I have to tell you this… even though I don’t really want to go there…

Did you know that it’s possible to pick up (so-called) negative, or unwanted energy, from participating in a meditation circle, a drumming or chanting circle, cacao ceremony or actually… any spiritual gathering at all to be honest…

And… that you can experience negative interference even from doing an online meditation from places like YouTube and other platforms even if said meditations are from some of the big names in the industry.

I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but it has to be said.

When I first discovered this, I felt really disappointed.

I thought everything was pure within the spiritual industry…

But no, it’s not, and I learned that the hard way.

I was far too trusting and open back then, and the first time I attended a sweat lodge I got my lessons big time.

I knew the lady holding the sweat lodge. She was a very experienced and world renowned medium and it was only AFTER the sweat lodge had finished that I began to make sense of what happened to me in there.

Whilst inside — literally sweating my arse off, as you do in sweat lodges

– I realised that I could feel everyone’s everything.

What I didn’t know until then, is that I have an ability to clear and transmute energy, so I picked up everything that everyone else was clearing. The thing is that nobody had taught me how to protect myself and not take it in OR how to clear it from my own body, so I was flattened.

Afterwards when we’d finished the Sweat and were outside, I spoke with the medium about what I was experiencing and she said, yes, you took everything.

I asked her why and she just said that “it was my contract”.

She also didn’t offer to help me with what to do next and she just walked away and left me to it!

I was in shock energetically.

I got myself home somehow and it took me three days to stop throwing up and get all that energy out of my body.

I was so naïve back then…

A few years later though, I did some training with Native American Indian Grandmothers in Sedona, Arizona. They were teaching me how to conduct a Medicine Wheel, and that’s when I learned what it REALLY MEANS to hold a space for a process or ceremony…

and to PROTECT your clients or students from the untoward energies that are ALWAYS attracted to these kinds of ceremonies.

A good Shaman, Medicine Woman, or Healer should always do this for their clients. PROTECT THEM.

Their clients should not leave the session with more baggage than they came in with! That defeats the purpose, surely?!

The problem that I see today though, is that people don’t know this. They are not taught it and they think they can just come up with a few lovely words about “only letting in energies that are for your highest good” and they think that’s it.

But no… if you are opening dimensions or portals into other realms, you better know what unseen energies are there, because believe me, they’re there. And just because you’ve never seen anything dark, you can’t presume that all is well.

If you open the door to dimensional spaces, there will be opportunistic energies that step through that door and it is just NOT RIGHT to potentially put your clients in harm’s way because you think that everything is love and light up there.

Sure, I get it… You’re not focused on the dark and negative stuff so you think it can’t get in but that’s just naïve, I’m afraid.

I have helped literally HUNDREDS of people over the years, to sort out the mess within their energy field after participating in unprotected circles and yes, even after participating in online events and meditations, from the comfort of their own homes.

The onus is on the person who creates the meditation or holds the circle, to be wise and aware of these other energies.

It’s actually all about the INTENTION of the person creating them AND whatever other energies that they have coming through them — and that could be known or unknown to them because for the most part people channelling dark energies don’t always know they are.

Well that’s food for thought, isn’t it?

If you’d like to know more about how these energies work (and mess with people), AND how to protect yourself at all times, then join me inside the New Earth Ascension Temple.…/ASCENSIONTEMPLEMEMBERSHIP

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