My Blog

Where To Find Yourself

(Original article dated: 19 August 2022)

The more I turn inward, the more I find myself.

The more I unsubscribe and unfollow other people, the more I find my own truth. My own path.

The more I shut down the outside noise, the more I can hear the voice of my Soul. The voice of my own consciousness.

Only in that silence can we truly find ourselves…

When women come to me asking for my guidance to help them find their soul purpose I invariably find a mishmash of other people’s voices in their heads and their energy body shows me that they’re going in five different directions all at the same time.

They’re scattered in other words.

So begins the challenge… of helping them to learn to trust themselves enough to let go of the things they’ve become very attached to — other people’s opinions.

Our constant need to be told what to do to be successful is what keeps us on the treadmill of consuming content.

Actually we become quite desperate to make our businesses work, to gain followers and buyers of our products so that we can make those 5K, 10k, 20k, 50k months that so many people in the coaching industry talk about.

We think that if we buy their “How to” course we’ll achieve the same result in 6 weeks! We might. Some do. But mostly we won’t because there’s so much more to it than that.

What works for one person won’t work in exactly the same way for you (or me), because you are not them, you are you and you are unique. The same strategy tweaked to fit your uniqueness… well that’s a different subject altogether and that’ll work but only you can do that and you have to know yourself first.

We see these coaches and teachers who really inspire us and we want to be just like them so we begin to model ourselves upon them but then we lose track of ourselves even more. We don’t know who we are and we don’t know what we stand for.

And we do that again with the next one and the next one and the next one.

We try to emulate these people and “fake it till you make it” is a common theme. But I believe that truth and authenticity will always win out in the end.

We’re at a particular time on the planet now when people are waking up. It’s part of their soul choice to do so. And they’re beginning to see through the BS.

Trust me, there’s a lot of it out there. To the point that sometimes I feel completely repelled by what some of the people within my own industry are claiming — whether that’s the coaching part of what I do, or the more spiritual esoteric part. Un-truth and false claims are rampant in both industries these days.

What I see commonly is that we change the direction of our business each time we’re inspired by a new teacher or a new strategy.

It’s us that goes searching for it!

We think we need something outside of ourselves to make us great and we want to be seen and validated.

The truth is though, that you’re already pretty marvellous but you’ve completely missed that because you’re always looking at other people and wishing you could be them.

A strategy has a place in marketing and business of course! But only if it’s the right strategy for you. One that matches your unique energetic signature because otherwise it will never work because there’s no alignment there.

When I work with clients I see that misalignment immediately (reading energy in this way is one of my gifts), but making them aware of this misalignment is not always easy because people naturally want to defend their choices. We don’t like to admit we’re wrong sometimes, especially if we’ve just paid multiple thousands of dollars for a new coaching programme!

But it’s not wrong. It’s just the way that you’ve chosen to learn. Through experimentation of what works for you and what doesn’t. And I know this because I did it that way too.

For a long while. I believed that other people knew more about what I should be doing than I did. I was letting my lower self override the knowing of my higher self.

So MY challenge is to guide people to know themselves and to trust themselves enough, that they then begin to listen to their higher self too.

But to be honest, sometimes I struggle with how much to tell people of what I see. I’m learning this fine art now, but commonly I’d tell people too much too soon and they’d pull away.

Back in the day, when I used to do psychic readings at Spiritual Festivals, people would ask me what their Soul Purpose is, and when I’d tell them they’d either cry and say they can’t do that because it’s just too big for them, or their heads would explode with the sheer voltage of the vision. (Not literally of course but energetically speaking).

I have an ability to read between the lines and I’ll happily call a spade a spade. But if someone wants to believe that it’s a rake they’ll push back against me until I leave them alone with their spade. Ooopss…. their rake. 😉

People come back to me years later and say, “Oh, yeh, actually you were right, I just didn’t want to hear it then”.

That’s ok.

The truth can feel harsh and painful when you don’t really want to hear it and I am learning to “hush my mouth” but when a stream of consciousness containing the guidance that they themselves asked for comes through, it can be like trying to hold back the tide from coming in.

I’m learning to let it trickle, until I can see that they’re ready for more.

Slow and steady does indeed win the race sometimes. People get there only in their own time.

But for those who are ready to hear it all I can happily pace you. I’m only too delighted to hold your hand as you align to and step into the Quantum Vision of your Highest Potential. I’m right there with you and I see it all. And if you ask me to, I’ll remind you of it to help you stay on the right path and I’ll hold the vision until you can hold it for yourself.

Because that’s what we want isn’t it… someone to tell us that we’re on the right path. Doing what we came here to do and being in alignment with our soul purpose…

And helping us to see what is really possible for us to achieve in this lifetime… and help us discover what our own unique gifts and talents are…

We all want that don’t we?

We do UNTIL we feel our own power — even if it’s just for a moment — and we feel the power of our own Magnificence …. and it scares the sh*t out of us.

In that moment we saw what we’re truly capable of.

We saw our highest potential.

We saw our Soul Purpose — as clear as day.

And Who We Truly Are is so freaking amazing…! And so far beyond who we are being in this moment. That we turn away from ourselves and our Truth and our Magnificence because we are just too bright and our eyes can’t take it.

The Truth is REALLY bright. It’s really powerful. And this is exactly what it feels like to be “In Alignment”.

You can train yourself to know what being in alignment feels like and also what being out of alignment feels like.

When I feel someone who is out of alignment with their purpose, it jars against my own energy body and I know it in an instant. My job then begins…. to gently and consistently guide them back on to their own path in a way that allows them to discover it for themselves. (because people don’t actually like to be told this remember…)

So I’m very patient with the ones who need a gentle hand but I’ll happily adopt a no BS approach with my more serious and committed clients too. (actually that’s what I prefer to be honest, but then it’s not about me!).

This is the balancing act I practice every day. Life is a balancing act really isn’t it?

We have to interact with the outside world but personally I believe we should give more time to the inside world because that’s where our magic and our power comes from and that’s where we get to tap into our Magnificence.

If you’re ready for me to guide you on to your truth path DM me and let’s talk about your Quantum Vision.

Let’s keep in touch!

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